Shoot drug lords, dealers and users, Indonesia's anti-drug chief says

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo (center) checks a package of confiscated drugs
President Joko Widodo (center) checks a package of confiscated drugs.
National Narcotics Agency (BNN) chief Comr. Gen. Budi Waseso threatened to take severe actions against individuals involved in drug trafficking.

"Don't hesitate to shoot drug traffickers, drug dealers and drug users. Anyone involved in drug trafficking should be punished harshly, including traitors in the BNN body," Budi said as quoted by during the installment ceremony of the North Sumatra task force for drug eradication, prevention, abuse and dealing in Deliserdang on Tuesday.

Budi called on everyone to join hands in fighting drug trafficking.

"Drug dealers have been all out in their efforts to market drugs. We have to be all out as well to fight them," he said, adding that the agency had teamed up with the military to wage war against drug trafficking.

"For the military, I think the word war can already be used. Let's get together to destroy these drugs for the sake of future generation," he said.

North Sumatra Governor Tengku Erry Nuradi welcomed the presence of the new task force.

He said that the fight against drug dealing would only be effective should the effort involve the public.

Sources: Jakarta Post, Kompas, December 21, 2017

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