Street Execution of Civilians in Aleppo by Iran Regime Militants and Assad Forces

Street Execution of Civilians in Aleppo, Syria, December 2106
Street Execution of Civilians in Aleppo, Syria, December 2106
NCRI - Human rights activists and informed sources have reported that Bashar Assad’s forces and their allies (Iranian regime’s affiliated militants) have executed at least 200 people in four districts of East Aleppo.

According to Al-Hadath TV Network, based on these reports, medical staff of Al-Hayat Hospital in Classeh neighborhood in Aleppo are among those executed. These people were executed by firing bullets.

In addition, the Assad regime’s allied militants have brutally burned 9 children and 4 women alive in Al- Ferdows neighborhood in Aleppo.

This is despite the fact that the manager of Aleppo’s emergency (department) says there is no hospital left in the East of the city to help the wounded.

The activists say that most executions were carried out by Lebanon’s Hezbollah militants in street and summary like executions. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), Hezbollah of Lebanon as well as Iraqi, Pakistani, and Afghan Shiite militants form allied forces of Syrian regime.

These allies enjoy Russia’s air support.

These events coincide with the advance of Syrian regime forces and their allies in regions of East Aleppo on Monday, December 12.

Syrian Human Rights Watch has reported that dozens were killed in Al-Ferdows, Bostan Al-Qasr, and Al-Zobediyeh neighborhoods in Aleppo as the result of firing or shelling.

Syrian regime’s forces and their allies on Monday advanced in Aleppo’s Sheikh Saied neighborhood and surrounded the opponents in a small area of about four square kilometers. In this small area, about 100 thousand civilians are also present.

Syria’s emergency organization says the bodies have covered the besieged neighborhood of East Aleppo. In addition, dozens of civilians are caught under the rubbles and their scream and call for help can be heard while there is no possibility (equipment) to save them.

Earlier, Maj. Gen. Zein Saleh, head of the Assad regime’s security committee in Aleppo said: “The fighting in Aleppo must quickly come to an end. There is little time for them. They have to either surrender or die.”

Prior to that, Russian Defense Ministry announced in a statement that Syrian regime forces have gained control of more than 95 percent of Aleppo.

Source: NCRI, December 13, 2016

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