Iran Regime's Attorney General Acknowledges Blocking 13-14 Thousand Websites Each Week

NCRI - Iranian regime’s Attorney General has acknowledged blocking 13-14 thousand websites each week.

In an interview with regime’s TV on Wednesday December 7, Jafar Montazeri claimed that there are many (intellectual) currents intending to hit the independent cultures, especially the Islamic Republic, who are standing against the Western culture.

“We are faced with two extremely dangerous issues in this regard; the first is that the enemy is taking advantage of the cyberspace for blasphemy, questioning people’s beliefs and so on. The second is interfering with issues towards which the society, especially the youth, are sensitive. Actually, they’ve waged a soft war against us and our religious values“, added Montazeri.

He said that “we have no option but to block access to 13-14 thousand websites each week.”

Also the head of regime’s Cyber Police ‘Hadianfar’ has said in this regard that “the Cyber Police has investigated a total of 67 thousand cases in the past eight months, which shows a 63 percent increase compared to the same period last year.”

Earlier, head of the so-called ‘Department of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Wrong’ in Tehran, had expressed regime’s fear of the spread of social networks in Iran as well as an increased tendency among the youth towards the People's Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK/), saying: “internet helps occurring riots and leads to increased tendency towards PMOI (MEK), cultural deviations and corrupt content.”

“Regarding evil issues, the internet has a higher priority today compared to issues such as elections or hijab, and unfortunately, we are faced with a betrayal by some of our officials with regard to introducing the internet. So, we need to pay attention to this issue which has entered our homes and caught us”, he said on Monday December 5, according to state media.

Source: NCRI, December 10, 2016

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